
Archive for May 28th, 2009

I was on Twitter talking about podcasts. So I thought I would post my most favorites. Sarah this is for you!

1. Pottercast: I am a Harry Potter nerd. So this is a great one for anyone who loves the Harry Potter series. Melissa, John, Sue and Frak are really great, you can tell that they are really great friends. They make me laugh out loud on the train a lot. 

2. Lipgloss and Laptops: This is a great beauty podcast done by two women Keri Anne and Airedrie  from Canada. Their reviews are very honest and they do not sugar coat anything if they do not like a product they will tell you. They talk about products from both the US and Canada. 

3. The Splendid Table: This is a podcast about food. It is from American Public Media. So it is radio show turned into a podcast. The host Lynne Rossetto Kasper is very easy to listen to and she knows a lot about all kinds of foods. They have few regular segments on the show, and they take calls from people.  

4. Twilight Series Theories: A podcast done by two sisters Cassie and Callie who talk about the Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer. They are really funny and have great discussions about the books and the movies. 

5. Craftcast: This is a crafty podcast. AllisonLee talks about craft books and she plays indy music. She talks about the craft process and “Getting your butt in the chair”. She talks to crafters, and the business of crafting. This is a very informative podcast. I am a bit behind on this podcast, but I have to catch up. 

6. Irish and Celtic Music Podcast: Marc Gunn hosts this podcast. He is a Celtic musician. He plays fantastic independent irish and celtic music.  The music is really great and I have purchased cd’s from artists featured on the podcast. He also does a pub songs podcast and a Renaissance Festival Podcast. 

 7. Wait, wait, Don’t Tell Me….: This is a podcast I recently started listening to. It is a news game show. This is another podcast that I laugh out loud on the train. Oh, this is part of NPR, which my aunt tells me, “You know you are getting old when you start listening to NPR.” 

8. WZRD : A podcast that features Wizard Rock. Wizard Rock is music written for and about the Harry Potter series. You can discover a lot of great music on this podcast.

There are a few more I listen to, but those 8 are my most favorite. When a new episode comes out, I listen to is right away. I also like Mugglecast, Craftypod, Martha Stewart, Pub Songs Podcast, Imprint.

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